07508 319414

Half term, Easter & Summer Holidays


Providing local working parents with a safe, reliable and fun holiday childcare option.

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Triangle Kids Holiday clubs run during school holidays for children aged 4 to 11.

During the school holidays (including half-term, Easter and Summer holidays) a full and varied programme is offered. The Club provides Breakfast and Snacks. Parents/carers to provide lunch.

After School Club Times


8:am – 6:00pm

Holiday Club Fees

5 days £75   |  4 days £70   |    3 days £60    |     2 days £40    |   1 day £20


We provide a range of different activities that promotes the children’s physical and mental well-being. Construction games, computer consoles, Role play resources, Snooker table, Art and craft, Cosy and relaxing reading area (resting area), music, playing games, outing, library, cooking session, football and watching a DVD of their choice. These activities are to promote resilience and to increase self esteem. The opportunities with interacting with a diverse group they are learning about building relationships their peers and the staff. This ensures awareness of self and others individuality and ensuring secure relationships.

An art and craft activity is always planned for children daily and we have different set-up in the role play area. We evaluate the activities and systematically develop them through observation of interests and requests to meet the needs of the children.

All members of staff have completed the following courses; 1st Aid, Safeguarding Children and EYFS.

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